Saturday 21 January 2012

Chip butty

Talking of rolls reminded me of one of my mum's favourite snacks.  The chip butty.  This was, basically, a buttered roll filled with chips as you see below and which you can actually buy!!

My dad used to love his egg piece (I'm not too sure how to spell this) which was actually a fried egg roll as you see..

And my husband's favourite, the ubiquitous bacon butty (or roll), otherwise know as a bacon bap or sarnie.  You can eat all of these delicacies with tomatoe or brown sauce....


  1. My new year's visitors thought the bacon here was awesome, I guess it would be difficult the understand unless you try it, but a bacon roll for breakfast cannot be beaten

    1. I agree with you some people start the day with coffee but I love a roll and bacon for breakfast.

  2. Yes, I totally agree with you. Bacon in Britain is the best in the world. Hubbie loved his bacon rolls in Scotland, usually for elevenses, downed with half a pint of something in his favourite drinking hole in Glenrothes...

  3. I have always loved a roll in bacon and brown sauce for me there is nothing, better than the smell of bacon in the morning. in my family there has always been the old battle of a roll an bacon with tomato sauce, vs the roll and bacon with brown sauce. I think it doesn't matter what sauce you put on it, it's still the best taste in the world.
